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Best Exotic Fish for Aquarium: Top Picks for Hobbyists

Nhân Trung
Tuesday, 13/08/2024

Creating a captivating underwater world in your aquarium is a rewarding experience, and exotic fish are the key to achieving this. Their vibrant colors, unique patterns, and intriguing behaviors transform your aquarium into a mesmerizing spectacle.

At ThienDuc Aquarium, we understand the allure of these aquatic marvels and are dedicated to providing hobbyists with the highest quality exotic fish and expert advice. This article will guide you through the best exotic fish for aquarium, considering factors like tank size, water parameters, temperament, and care requirements, ensuring you choose the perfect companions for your underwater oasis.

Considerations for Choosing the Best Exotic Fish for Aquarium

Before diving into the world of exotic fish, it's essential to consider several factors to ensure a harmonious and thriving environment for your aquatic companions.

  • Tank Size: The size of your aquarium is a crucial factor in determining the number and types of fish you can accommodate. A larger tank provides more space for swimming, exploration, and natural behaviors, ultimately contributing to the well-being of your fish.

  • Water Parameters: Each fish species has specific water parameters it thrives in, including temperature, pH, and hardness. Understanding these requirements is essential for creating a suitable environment.

  • Temperament: Some exotic fish are peaceful and social, while others are more aggressive or territorial. Consider the temperament of the fish you choose to avoid conflicts and ensure compatibility within your aquarium community.

  • Care Requirements: Exotic fish have varying care requirements, including feeding, water changes, and maintenance. Researching these aspects is crucial for providing proper care and ensuring the health and longevity of your fish.

At ThienDuc Aquarium, we understand the importance of these considerations and are here to provide expert advice, helping you choose the best exotic fish for aquarium.

Top Exotic Fish Picks

Now, let's explore some of the best exotic fish for aquarium that are popular and captivating:


Discus fish are renowned for their stunning beauty and intricate patterns. Their flat, disk-shaped bodies and vibrant colors, ranging from deep blue to fiery red, make them a centerpiece for any aquarium.

  • Appearance: Discus boast a wide variety of colors and patterns, with some featuring intricate markings and iridescent scales.

  • Behavior: Discus are generally peaceful and social, often forming schools. They are known for their intelligence and can even recognize their owners.

  • Care Requirements: Discus are sensitive to water parameters and require a large, well-filtered tank with stable temperatures. They are also carnivorous and need a high-quality diet of frozen or live food.


Angelfish, with their elegant, elongated bodies and graceful movements, add a touch of elegance to any aquarium. Their vibrant colors and intricate patterns make them a popular choice among hobbyists seeking the best exotic fish for aquarium.

  • Appearance: Angelfish come in a wide range of colors, including black, silver, gold, and even multi-colored varieties. Their fins are often adorned with intricate patterns and markings.

  • Behavior: Angelfish are generally peaceful and can be kept in community tanks with other peaceful species. They are known for their curiosity and often interact with their owners.

  • Care Requirements: Angelfish requires a large, well-filtered tank with stable water parameters. They are omnivorous and enjoy a diet of flakes, pellets, and live food.


Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are renowned for their vibrant colors, flowing fins, and captivating personalities. Their aggressive nature towards other males makes them a popular choice for single-species tanks and one of the best exotic fish for aquarium.

  • Appearance: Betta fish come in a wide variety of colors and fin types, including long, flowing fins and short, compact fins. Their iridescent scales and intricate patterns make them a captivating sight.

  • Behavior: Betta fish are known for their aggressive nature towards other males, but they can be peaceful towards other species. They are also known for their intelligence and can be trained to perform simple tricks.

  • Care Requirements: Betta fish require a small, well-filtered tank with stable water parameters. They are carnivorous and need a diet of live or frozen food.

Tips for Keeping Exotic Fish Healthy

Providing proper care for your exotic fish is essential for their health and longevity. Here are some tips to ensure your aquatic companions thrive:

Water Quality

  • Regular Testing: Use a water testing kit to check temperature, pH, and hardness regularly, adjusting as needed.

  • Water Changes: Perform weekly water changes (25% of the tank volume) to remove waste and maintain optimal water quality.

  • Filtration: Invest in a high-quality filter for your tank size and ensure it's properly maintained.

  • Dechlorination: Always use a dechlorinator to remove chlorine from tap water before adding it to the tank.


  • Variety is Key: Offer a balanced diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen food.

  • Feeding Schedule: Feed your fish once or twice a day, avoiding overfeeding.

  • Observe Feeding Habits: Monitor their appetite for any changes, which could indicate a health issue.

Disease Prevention

  • Quarantine New Fish: Isolate new fish for at least two weeks before introducing them to your existing tank.

  • Regular Inspections: Inspect your fish regularly for signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual behavior.

  • Cleanliness: Maintain a clean aquarium by regularly cleaning the tank, gravel, and decorations.

  • Stress Reduction: Avoid sudden changes in water parameters, temperature, or lighting to minimize stress.


  • Live Plants: Add live plants for natural filtration, oxygenation, and hiding places.

  • Decorations: Include rocks, caves, and driftwood for enrichment and hiding spots.

  • Space: Avoid overcrowding the tank, allowing ample space for your fish to swim and explore.

At ThienDuc Aquarium, we offer a range of resources to support your fish care journey, including online guides, expert advice, and a wide selection of high-quality fish food and aquarium supplies.


Choosing the best exotic fish for aquarium is an exciting journey, and with careful consideration and the right resources, you can create a thriving underwater world. ThienDuc Aquarium is committed to providing hobbyists with the best exotic fish and expert advice, helping you make informed decisions and ensure the well-being of your aquatic companions.

Visit ThienDuc Aquarium today and embark on your journey to create a captivating underwater world filled with vibrant and fascinating exotic fish. We're here to help you choose the best exotic fish for aquarium, ensure a harmonious and thriving underwater oasis.

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  • Address: 57 Le Thi Sieng, Tan Thong Hoi, Cu Chi, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

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