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Import Neon Fish and Tetra Fish Species at Good Prices for Aquarium Hobbyists

Nhân Trung
Wednesday, 14/08/2024

Looking to add a vibrant splash of color and lively activity to your aquarium? Neon and tetra fish are popular choices for aquarium hobbyists, known for their stunning colors, peaceful nature, and compatibility with a wide range of tank mates. But finding healthy, vibrant neon and tetra fish at good prices can be a challenge. At ThienDuc Aquarium, we understand the allure of these fascinating creatures and are dedicated to providing aquarium hobbyists with the best possible selection of import neon fish and tetra fish species at good prices.

The Allure of Neon and Tetra Fish

Neon and tetra fish are a true delight for any aquarium enthusiast. Their vibrant colors, ranging from brilliant reds and oranges to shimmering blues and greens, instantly brighten up any tank. Their graceful movements and playful personalities add a touch of life and energy to the aquatic environment. These fish are also known for their peaceful nature, making them ideal for community tanks with other compatible species.

ThienDuc Aquarium's Import Expertise

At ThienDuc Aquarium, we take pride in our extensive network of reputable breeders and suppliers, ensuring that we source only the highest quality neon and tetra fish for our customers. We understand the importance of sourcing from reliable sources to guarantee healthy and vibrant fish that will thrive in your aquarium. Our team has years of experience in importing and exporting fish, ensuring safe and efficient delivery to your doorstep.

Competitive Pricing and Value for Money

We believe that everyone should have access to the beauty and joy of neon and tetra fish, regardless of their budget. That's why we strive to offer competitive prices for our imported fish, without compromising on quality. We understand that your investment in your aquarium is important, and we want to provide you with the best value for your money.

Tips to Import Neon Fish and Tetra Fish Species at Good Prices from ThienDuc Aquarium

Our team of experienced aquarists is always available to offer expert advice and guidance to our customers. We understand that choosing the right neon and tetra species for your aquarium can be overwhelming, especially with the wide variety available. We are happy to help you select the perfect fish for your tank size, water parameters, and existing tank mates.

Here are some tips to import neon fish and tetra fish species at good prices from our team:

Choosing the Right Species

  • Tank Size: Consider the size of your aquarium and the space requirements of the chosen species. Some neon and tetra species are smaller and can thrive in smaller tanks, while others require larger spaces.

  • Water Parameters: Research the specific water parameters, such as temperature, pH, and hardness, that are suitable for the chosen species. Ensure your aquarium is equipped to maintain these parameters.

  • Compatibility: Choose compatible tank mates that will not pose a threat to your neon and tetra fish. Avoid aggressive or predatory species.

Acclimating Imported Fish

  • Quarantine: Quarantine newly imported fish for a period of two weeks to ensure they are free of any diseases.

  • Gradual Acclimation: Gradually acclimate the fish to the water parameters of your aquarium by slowly adding water from your tank to their quarantine container over a period of several hours.

  • Observation: Monitor the fish closely for any signs of stress or illness after acclimation.

Popular Neon and Tetra Fish Species

Here are some of the most popular neon tetras and neon tetras that aquarists should explore:

  • Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi): This iconic species is known for its brilliant red and blue stripes, making it a stunning addition to any aquarium. Neon tetras are peaceful and social fish that thrive in schools of six or more.

  • Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi): Similar to the neon tetra, the cardinal tetra is also known for its striking red and blue coloration. However, it has a longer red stripe that extends to the tail fin. Cardinal tetras are also peaceful and social fish that thrive in schools.

  • Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus): This species is known for its distinctive orange-red stripe that runs along its body. Glowlight tetras are peaceful and active fish that are ideal for community tanks.

  • Black Skirt Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi): This unique tetra species is characterized by its long, flowing fins that resemble a skirt. Black skirt tetras are peaceful and social fish that can grow up to 4 inches in length.

  • Serpae Tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques): This vibrant tetra species is known for its bright red body with black spots and a distinctive black stripe running along its side. Serpae tetras are peaceful and active fish that are ideal for community tanks.

  • Rummy-Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri): This distinctive tetra species is known for its bright red nose and black stripe running along its body. Rummy-nose tetras are peaceful and social fish that are ideal for community tanks.

  • Lemon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis): This bright yellow tetra species is known for its vibrant color and peaceful nature. Lemon tetras are ideal for community tanks and can add a splash of color to any aquarium.

  • Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus): This unique tetra species is known for its striking black and white stripes and its long, flowing fins. Congo tetras are peaceful and social fish that are ideal for community tanks.

  • Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha): This small and colorful rasbora species is known for its bright red body with a black stripe running along its side. Harlequin rasbora are peaceful and social fish that are ideal for community tanks.


At ThienDuc Aquarium, we are passionate about providing aquarium hobbyists with the best possible selection of import neon fish and tetra fish species at good prices. We understand the importance of sourcing from reputable breeders and suppliers to ensure healthy and vibrant fish that will thrive in your aquarium. Our team of experienced aquarists is always available to offer expert advice and guidance, helping you choose the perfect fish for your tank and create a thriving aquatic ecosystem.

Contact us today to learn more about our imported neon and tetra fish species and to place your order. We look forward to helping you bring the beauty and joy of these captivating creatures into your home!

  • Address: 57 Le Thi Sieng, Tan Thong Hoi, Cu Chi, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

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